Suzee Hernandez

Stats Stories and Updates Photos / Babies


Surgery Date July 4, 2002
Tube length  L R
Pregnancy 1
Pregnancy 2  





July 2002

Our trip going to Rio Bravo Mexico was Great. We got into Harlingen Texas on July 4 at 2pm. We rented a car and drove out to Mexico. We got a little lost but we got to hospital about 3:30 pm. As I walked in I was greeted very nicely by the receptionist. Our plans we're to register at the hospital , go have dinner then come back and rest for the next days TR.

But as I was getting all the paper work ready. Dr Perez called, and we decided to have Tr that night . So I had my TR on July 4th at 8pm! The nurses we're happy I spoke Spanish cause that way we could communicate better. I took a shower. After a day of traveling, nurse gave me robe and she did the IV thing. I must say I get hysterical with needles. She got IV going. At about 6:45pm, she came in with some meds she put into IV.  I fell asleep for about 45 min. DH was just waiting for Dr. Levi to come in… At 7:30pm … The nurse took me into OR room. The anesthesiologist prepped me.. He had a little trouble with epidural cause…I was so nervous. But he did it perfectly. Amazingly, he only numbed me from my waist to my thighs. Throughout surgery I was able to move my toes. Dr. Perez went in , he draped me and started the TR… Levi was there assisting him. I was asking questions and laughing with them. Dr. Perez was saying "Levi clamp here pull there pull here".. It was so neat.

Meanwhile I was very concerned of how much tube length I had left. After all was said and done, Dr. Perez came over to my side, and just reassured me that all went well. I had healthy tubes and ovaries, not much scar tissue… And for me to wait for 90 days to TTC…I was a little nervous about the OR room, it was not as modern (looking) as the one's we have here in the states. But the service and the results I got we're great!

I had taken my OP report, but Dr. Perez says they usually cut more then what they print on the Pathology report… The next morning Dr. Perez came into see me. He checked my incision, he personally did the changing of gauzes …he answered a few questions I had… We took pictures. He gave me a hug. And just said good Luck, on my baby journey.. he gave a good chance of getting Pg at 39 yrs of age….The Staff was great ,,, The food was good.

The morning Dh and Levi went out for breakfast.. At about 12;30 pm the nurse came in and took out IV, plus the spinal medication I still had on my back. DH and Levi came back , they bought me some breakfast from a restaurant, which was great….At about 2;30 pm. we decided to leave the hospital. Dr. Perez and Levi said I was ready to go . So on July 5th, we left Rio Bravo Mexico. I went back on the 6th of July to meet another lady from our group who went. I stayed with her for about 15 min, we took some pics. I reassured her she would be alright…. She stayed in the same room I was in…we then went shopping, we crossed thru all the 3 or 4 international borders. We shopped for 2 days, then returned to Raleigh NC on July 8th.

I am feeling pretty good overall. My TR came to $1700.00 US dollars. If you need tests done or need general anesthesia, your fee could be a little higher…

Suzee Hernandez
