Giselle and Evan Marrs


May 2007


Tubal reversal 

May 16, 2007


Pregnancy #1 edd March 6, 2008


4 cm left

6 cm right



 December 2007     UPDATE

I had my surgery with Dr Perez on May 16, 2007.  I am now 7 mos pregnant.  We are due March 6, 2008. We are expecting a girl.

Thanks Dr Perez and staff. Without you this would have never been possible.

August 2007

I have an update. I'm Pregnant!!! My pregnancy test was positive at 8 DPO. I went to the OBGYN to confirm. The doctor said everything looks good and my betas are increasing as they should.   My due date is March 7, 2008. We owe so much to the entire staff of Rio Bravo.

God has just blessed us so much. More than we ever deserve.

Blessings to the Rio Bravo Staff

May 2007

I had my tubal reversal on May 16, 2007.  Surgery went well. Dr Levi and Dr. Perez were amazing. The language barrier wasn't bad at all. The nurses knew just what I needed.

I had a lot of scar tissue on my left side that Dr. Perez removed, leaving me with 4 cm on left and 6 cm on the right.

Now its just time to leave it up to God.

Thanks Dr. Perez and Dr. Levi.


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